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日本ROHTO乐敦 C3隐形眼镜护理液药水 清凉型 500ml


  • 独特冰凉成分,冰爽清凉
  • 高效杀菌消毒、杀菌消毒功能高达99.9%
  • 长效保湿因子,有效保持镜片滋润柔软
  • OneTouch瓶盖及首创倒置式存放眼镜盒,大大减少因使用处理不当而滋生的细菌
  • 独特冰凉成分,冰爽清凉



  1. 在眼镜护理前请先洗净双手。
  2. 以护理液揉搓镜片,并浸泡隐形眼镜4小时或以上。
  3. 用手指轻轻揉搓镜片两面各20-30次
  4. 用护理液冲洗经过揉搓的镜片两面
  5. 在眼镜盒中倒满护理液是镜片浸没,并扭紧合盖放置4小时以上
  6. 完成清洗过程。




ROHTO C3 Soft One Moist Cool Contact Lens Solution Eye Wash 500ml


  • Sterilization power reaches 99.9% with PHMB ingredients
  • Contains HPMC ingredients to keep contact lens moisturized
  • Unique One Touch cap and contact lens box design to minimize bacteria growth
  • Unique icy formulation with L-menthol.


How to use:

  1. Wash and dry your hands prior to handing the lenses.
  2. Apply few drops of Rohto Softone Solution on each side of the lens and gently rub the lens and gently rub the lens surface. 
  3. Allow each lens to soak for at least 4 hours. 
  4. Fill the lens case with fresh Rohto Softone solution everyday.

*Do not touch the dropper tip of solution bottle nor put back Rohto Softone solution to the bottle to avoid contamination. *

*Rinse the lens case with fresh Rohto Softone solution and leave it air-dry.*

*Replace your lens case constantly.*

*Discard any remaining solution 3 months after opening. *

*Do not put Rohto softone Solution in other container to avoid misuse or contamination.*



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

ROHTO乐敦 C3隐形眼镜护理液药水 清凉型 500ml Soft One Moist Cool Contact Lens Solution Eye Wash

庫存單位: 3022040261
$32.99 一般價格
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