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泰国LANNA兰纳 天然植物祛湿脚贴去湿驱寒改善睡眠痛经足贴 10片装



  • 口臭、脚臭
  • 改善腰颈椎及关节
  • 缓解易疲劳
  • 改善便秘、使用后可加快新陈代谢
  • 提高睡眠质量,帮助深入睡眠



  1. 睡前使用,将大贴纸撕开
  2. 将足贴取出并放上大贴纸上
  3. 将小贴纸撕开,并将整片贴在脚底
  4. 贴在脚底8小时后,睡醒撕下并清洗双脚
  5. 可直贴于足部、酸痛处或症状相对穴位,将皮肤清洁过后,贴布敷于需要部位。




LANNA Foot Patch 10sheets


  • accumulate toxins from the foot sole. 
  • Black represents the dampness of the bodyoil is a mixture of body toxins and excess oils. 
  • It is a normal detoxification process.


How to use :

  1. We suggest that patching under the foot for 6 – 8 hours per day before sleep is enough for your body to get the result.
  2. Of course you can use on any part of your body, if you want to remove the body dampness you can also use it on your knee, lower back, arm, and shoulder but the result is not as effective as you use it on your foot.



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

泰国 LANNA兰纳 天然植物祛湿脚贴去湿驱寒改善睡眠痛经足贴 10片装 LANNA Foot Patch 10sheets

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