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日本KATE 三色立体眉粉 造型眉彩饼带眉刷 #EX-4浅棕色 1pcs


  • 质地细腻 丝滑 无香料
  • 小巧易携带 轻松补妆神器
  • 新手也容易上妆
  • 用3色自然画法,从眉到鼻侧的、呈现超自然立体感,一点也不造作。

  • 即使流汗、出油,也不会褪色,非常容易涂匀,还附100%天然毛两用刷(眉影刷、鼻影刷)。

  • 三种颜色由浅到深过渡,符合眉毛由浅到深的变化。

  • 所以画起来很好画,不同颜色画在眉毛的不同部位。

  • 刷子是一头硬,一头软的。

  • 软的那头沾浅色用来画眉头。

  • 刷子硬的那头,用来画眉毛的中间,和尾部。

  • 刷子硬度很好,可以把结尾处画得很细。

  • 而且一盒多用,既可以画眉毛也可以用来打鼻翼两侧的阴影,让鼻子更有立体感,更高耸,还可以当作修容粉、眼线粉和眼影使用。




  1. 用眉刷沾取适量眉粉,请先用手背处等调整粉量。
  2. 将眉粉饼混合后,轻描于眉毛整体。
  3. 再將眉饼,从眉峰细描绘至眉尾。



  1. 用鼻影刷沾取眉饼,轻轻从眉头順著鼻梁側边淡淡的涂刷上即可






KATE Eyebrow Designing Eyebrow 3D #EX-4 Light Brown 1pcs


  • The light brown EX-4 is suits for lighter hair.
  • It is also recommended for beginners of makeup because it is easy to adjust the shade with three colors of eyebrow powder.
  • Kanebo Kate Designing Eyebrow 3D is a powdered eyebrow color with 3 gradation color in a pallete.
  • It enables you to create natural 3 dimensional eyebrow or ridge of the nose.
  • It comes with 2 way brush. 


How to use:

*for eyebrow:*

  1. Take some powder with the brush and adjust the quantity of the powder on somewhere like on the back of your hand. 
  2. You can mix the color to make it to your preferred color density. 
  3. Try to put the light color on inside end and the darker color on the outside end of your eyebrow in order to make it look 3D. 
  4. Make a thin line with the darkest color from the top to outside end of your eyebrow.


*For  nose shadow:*

  1. Take the lightest color and add the color lightly from down below of inside end of your eyebrow to side of your nose.



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

KATE 三色立体眉粉造型眉彩饼带眉刷 #EX-4浅棕色 1pcs Eyebrow Designing Eyebrow 3D #EX-4 Light Brown

庫存單位: 3023058371
$22.99 一般價格
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