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  • 涂抹在眉毛表面,会显得很自然。
  • 同时提升眼妆,让眼睛显大。
  • 采用附着刷毛技术,涂抹附着力更强。
  • 轻涂即有良好显色度,只涂抹一次即可紧密附着、加重涂抹会更有良好显色度。
  • 防汗防水,可以长时间保持。
  • 采用附膜技术,用温水即可轻松卸除。



  1. 先逆毛刷好让染眉膏可以从根部完整将眉毛上色,再顺刷让毛流自然流畅。
  2. 浓眉女孩可以来回刷约2-3次,用眉笔稍补眉尾即完成;
  3. 眉毛稀疏则建议先用眉笔勾勒眉型、眉粉稍微填色后,再用染眉膏补上毛流感。
  4. 另外,眉头部分可以加强向上刷,创造根根分明的立体眉毛。




ISEHAN KISS ME HEAVY ROTATION Coloring Eyebrow #04 Natural Brown


  • A powerful eyebrow mascara for glamorous-looking eyes.
  • Film-type colorant coating easily adheres onto the lashes.
  • Provides vivid eyebrow color to accentuate the face.
  • Waterproof formula helps resist sweat water & sebum.
  • Long lasting throughout the day yet easy to rinse off.
  • Enriched with Panthenol for eyebrow nourishment.
  • Features a specially designed brush for effortless application.


How to use:

  1. If you use it with other eyebrows, such as powder, pencil, liquid, use this product afterwards.
  2. Use makeup remover when removing it.
  3. As it goes against the coat, apply from the Bizan to the eyebrow.
  4. Apply it as if to coat from the eyebrows toward the eyebrows while preparing the coat.



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

日本ISEHAN KISS ME奇士美 HEAVY ROTATION染眉膏 #04自然棕 Coloring Eyebrow #04 Natural Brown

庫存單位: 3023046801
$15.99 一般價格
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